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Need help finding your perfect wedding shoes? We're here to help, take our quiz below to discover your bridal style, just keep a tally of which answers you choose and all will be revealed below!

What flavour is your cake going to be?

    1. Vanilla, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    2. Carrot and orange with cream cheese frosting

    3. Lavender and lemon

    4. Red velvet, bold like me!

    5. No cake, but wheels of cheese instead!

Where are you getting married?

    1. Place of worship

    2. A country estate

    3. Somewhere surrounded by nature

    4. A converted barn

    5. On the beach at sunset

Are you going to wear a veil?

    1. Of course, the longer the better!

    2. Yes, made from vintage lace

    3. A flower crown, simple and stunning

    4. Yes, but it’s PINK!

    5. No, I’ll be wearing a jewelled headband

What flowers will be in your bouquet?

    1. Elegant white roses

    2. Baby’s breath and daisies, simple and delicate

    3. Seasonal meadow flowers

    4. Any colourful flowers!

    5. DIY, maybe origami, feathers or crochet

What are your bridesmaids wearing?

    1. Matching gowns

    2. Tea length dresses

    3. Flowy florals of their choice

    4. Rainbow colours, yes I have SEVEN bridesmaids!

    5. My dog will be the only bridesmaid, or should that be dogsmaid!

Mostly A's

You're a classic style bride!

You're sticking to the traditions and got the family heirlooms, but don't forget your something new, and our white glitter Nick Of Time's are right up your elegant street.

Mostly B's

Vintage is your aesthetic!

On the look out for your finishing bridal touches for your retro inspired wedding? Discover Victorian style lace up boots Chimney Smoke in white and silver.

Mostly C's

You're a floral queen!

Anything with a rose or a daisy is what you gravite towards, and your wedding day will be no different, so why not try out our flat style Rosie Posie adorned with 3D flowers in pink and ivory.

Mostly D's

Bridal statements are your thing!

If you're looking to make sure people know you are the main event, then look no further than the Mrs And Mrs concept heels. With bride heels and a statement I love you on the toe these are the perfect converation starters!

Mostly E's

Wild bride baby!

You love nothing more than finding anything that is a bit extra to add to your wedding outfit! Our Sent From Above cut out heels are just what you've been looking for, feel like an angel with these pink and silver glittertastic shoes!

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